Kongevejen 79, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Classic Car House opening hours
See our opening hours for the different areas below
Opening hours museum
On Thursdays we are open longer than usual - from 10-20.
Please note that if you have an annual pass, you can bring a guest for free on Thursdays.
Weekly opening hours
Please note that the kitchen closes at 21:00.
Please note that the kitchen closes at 19:00
Nye åbningstider
Contact us at bilsalg@classiccarhouse.dk for an appointment outside our normal opening hours.
Weekly opening hours
Contact us at vaerksted@classiccarhouse.dk for appointments outside our normal opening hours.
Summer season April 1 - Oct. 31.
Contact us at hotel@classiccarhouse.dk for access to the car hotel outside regular opening hours.
Winter season Nov. 1 - March 31
Contact us at hotel@classiccarhouse.dk for access to the car hotel outside regular opening hours.