Kongevejen 79, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Foredrag om 2 kvinders rallyeventyr
i den Marokkanske ørken
Tirsdag den 1. april kl. 19-21
About the talk
Do you seize the adventurous chances life offers?
I foråret 2024 drog Louise Søborg og Karina van der Leeden ud på eventyr for at deltage i kvinderallyet Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc - et 9 døgns rally på tværs af Sahara i Marokko, kun for kvinder og med navigation efter kort og kompas. Kom og hør historien om, hvordan Louise og Karina for en kort periode sagde på gensyn til familie, egne virksomheder og trygge Danmark og fandt modet til deltage det hæsblæsende ørkenrally - du får også historierne om sandstormen, den afbrændte kobling, overnatninger i telt under fuldmånens skær og meget meget mere.
Indgang ved selskabslokalet Caroline Amalie.
Pris kr. 175,- pr. person
Prisen inkluderer foredrag samt et glas champagne.
Det er muligt at tilkøbe vand, øl og vin under hele arrangementet.
Meet the 2 participants
TEAM LES GAZELLES DANOISES is the name of the Danish team.
Karina van der Leeden
49 years old, Self-employed, Interior Designer, Solution-oriented, resourceful and brave. Lives with her youngest daughter, two children have left home.
Louise Søborg
49 years old, Self-employed, Champagne importer, Determined, creative and positive, lives with her husband and 3 children.
Program for aftenen
Du vil her blive budt velkommen og kan nyde et glas champagne samt mingle.
Kl. 19:30 vil Louise og Karina gå på scenen.
Der vil her være tid til at stille spørgsmål til de to seje kvinder.
Tak for en dejlig aften.
"We are privileged to live in a free country with a social safety net and access to medicine, education and knowledge - we want this for all women. With our participation in the women's rally, we want to highlight women's conditions and support the humanitarian efforts of Cæur des Gazelles."
- This is how Louise and Karina explain the reason for their participation
Background of the race
Rallye Aicha des Gazelles du Maroc has existed as an event since 1990 and from its inception has been built around tolerance and solidarity, with a special focus on social responsibility and making a significant difference to the local community in Morocco. Since 2001, the humanitarian organization Cæur de gaz elles has been part of the Rallye Aicha des Gazelles du Maroc and as a humanitarian caravan, Cæur de gazelles follows the rally around the desert. Along the way, free help and guidance is provided to at least 8000 Moroccans.